Zircon refractories

Zircon (Zirconium Silicate-ZrSiO4) has a good resistance to fluxes found in flue gases and of course in molten glass. Zircon products are equally useful to combat a wide range of molten metals and slags in steel plants, ferrous and non-ferrous foundries and particularly in contact with molten aluminium. There is also some evidence to suggest that zircon can reduce the well-known problem of corundum build up.
Ceramic fibre linings can be sealed and protected from breakdown and dust during use by spray coating with Vitcas® Zircon Paint.

Zircon refractory products

Typical applications

The low thermal expansion of zircon and its excellent slag resistance makes it ideal for coating ingot moulds in casting machines for precious metals and centrifugal casting moulds for special steels.

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